Wednesday, September 24, 2008

the faceless people...viral marketing

Unreal viral marketing campaign that went off this summer. These faceless people were at every major event. Talked to no one, but got more news coverage then the actuall event.

3 months later and were still talking about it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Current Financial State

I read this the other day on Jim Sinclairs website dealing with the current state of the economy and the government bailout. For those that don't pay any attention to these type of things, invest 2 minutes and 3-4 paragraphs...Dear Friends,If the actions this weekend had not been undertaken, the world’s financial system would now be directly inside a category 5 hurricane. Between now and the election, intervention to keep markets somewhat calm is being undertakenCONSEQUENCES is the word to remember.The devil is in the details.The purpose of this weekend's event is to attempt to consolidate a huge amount of OTC derivatives into one location in hopes of creating a wash. The point of this is to prevent OTC derivative counterparties from going broke.When an OTC derivative fails, notional value becomes real value. They got a taste of what a broken counterparty meant when Lehman went Chapter 11. It wasn’t pretty.Lehman Brothers, in Chapter 11, will be the first to benefit from the $700 billion to $1 trillion plus bailout.Do not let your guard down. Continue to take all the precautionary measures spoken about here. The dollar is toast around election time. Gold will trade at $1200 and $1650.The glory days of the naked short have passed even if they do not know it yet.Respectfully yours,Jim

badaboom bada bing!!!!!!!!

I recently posted a video on youtube...the quality is very poor.....some what like my writting and probably my spelling. Allthough if you can get past the poor quality of the production, and get down to the meet and potatoes of the video, you to could make some money using the program I suggested. If you have not watched the video im going to post the link at the end of todays blog. Thanks for staying tuned....I promise I will bring more very unique ways to profit online.

heres the link....

Monday, September 22, 2008



Check out the program google put out that is 100%

free, it lets you do all sorts of cool things with pictures and video....Its called Picasa 3.... Here is the link so you can download it for free.

Post some links to the stuff you do with your pix
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how to use craigslist add notifier

This is by far the best program out there to find all the hot deals first. I have been using this program for the last several months simply cherry picking my town for all sorts of things. If you are serious about finding the best deals possible in town, buy the full version. It cost 18 bucks and its well worth it. Cheers!!
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this is how I find my deals on Craigslist!!!