Monday, September 22, 2008

Your choice

Risk- The possibility of suffering harm or loss

Decision- The passing of judgment on an issue under circumstances

Success- The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

Opportunity- A favorable or advantageous circumstance or combo of circumstances

"Everyone must make a decision to take a risk; the decision to take the risk will be the beginning of their own success in this great opportunity."

Stay plugged into what works.

My boss once asked me a question when I told him I couldn’t get something done on the job.
"Dan, if I offered you a million dollars to get that done, do you think you could find a way to get it done?"

The question caught me off guard, but forever changed the way I look at solving obstacles that I tell myself cannot be done.

I answered, of course I could get that done for a million dollars.........his point was made

Too often all of us choose the easier road, the path of least resistance.

You and I should not be discouraged by rejection; rejection is simply a step closer to your achievement. When you feel like you just can’t make something work, or convince yourself that you don’t have the time to do it, or any other excuse you might tell yourself......... Ask yourself this simple question.....if someone offered me a million dollars to get this done could I do it? The answer we all know is yes!!!!!!!

Make your decision to be successful.

"Success is a choice"

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